Perspective Re-entry - developing potential
"Perspective Re-entry - developing potential" is the successor programme of the pilot programme "Perspective Re-entry", which was implemented during the 2007-2013 ESF programming period. The goal of the programme is to promote a substantial and lasting return to a job with mandatory social security coverage after having interrupted work for family reasons. Continuous support of the parent returning to work through counselling, skill development and activation remain at the heart of the programme. These services are being complemented by contacting employers (raising awareness for the potential inherent in the target group), the involvement of the partners and support with taking advantage of household-related services.
For the purpose of skill development, greater use will be made of online media and e-learning services/platforms (virtual classrooms). With the modules "Back-to-work and caregiving responsibilites" and "Women in minijobs", two new thematic areas were added. Another optional programme component is the one on prospects for parents returning to the labour market to work in the personal services or household-related services sectors.