Overview of the 2021-2027 ESF Plus funding programmes
People who want to improve their opportunities in the labour market can receive support through the individual ESF Plus funding programmes at federal or state level.
With lead responsibility with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the ESF Plus funding programmes of the federal government are implemented nationwide by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building.
An overview of the federal government’s ESF Plus funding programmes can be found in the ESF Plus programme brochure.
The ESF Plus funding programmes of the federal states also take the particular characteristics of the labour market in the Land region into consideration.
The ESF Plus is not an employment agency, however. Rather, it funds employment projects at local, regional and national level. Individuals only receive funding through the various ESF Plus funding programmes which are implemented by projects and competent institutions. The points of contact for the ESF Plus programmes are provided in the individual programme descriptions. If you would like to avail of ESF Plus support within the framework of a specific funding programme, you can contact a local ESF Plus project directly.
Programme filtern:
Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Hubs for tomorrow
Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and employees in the (further) development and implementation of innovative learning approaches to shape the digital transformation
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
Click a federal state to go directly to the ESF website of this state. Here you can find information about the Operational Programme and the individual ESF funding programmes of the selected federal state. Click a federal state to go directly to the ESF website of this state. Here you can find information about the Operational Programme and the individual ESF funding programmes of the selected federal state.