TLN Mobility Mid Term Conference 2013
"Tackling youth unemployment through transnational mobility - a coordinated response under the ESF 2014-2020"
The TLN Mobility Mid Term Conference took place in Berlin, Germany on November 25 -26, 2013.
At the start of the new ESF programming period, the conference allowed participants to learn more about the Network’s progress towards designing and launching a coordinated call for transnational mobility measures for disadvantaged youth and young adults in 2014.
In an interactive and workshop-based format, network partners and experts provided detailed information on the status quo on differents tasks linked to the coordinated call. They referred to defininig the target group, agreeing quality criteria and deciding requirements towards the implementation structure.
Furthermore, good practice in running youth mobility schemes under the ESF from the current ESF 2007-2013 funding period was presented; namely from the German "IdA - Integration through Exchange" programme, the French region of Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur (PACA), and from Galicia in Spain.
The conference agenda is available for download here: Mid Term Conference 2013 Berlin - Agenda [PDF, 463KB]
Please find the presentations of the individual sessions below.
Plenary Session (Day 1)
Welcome - Heinz Koller, Germany [PDF, 215KB]
Welcome - Peter Stub Jorgensen, EU/DG EMPL [PDF, 45KB]
Objectives and tasks TLN Mobility - Susanne Strehle, Germany [PDF, 2MB]
Workshops (Day 1-2)
Workshop A: The coordinated call on Transnational Mobility Measures in the context of ESF Transnational Cooperation 2014-2020
The workshop showed why there is a need for coordinated action in transnational activities funded by the ESF by drawing on experiences from the current ESF financing period (e.g. lack of coordinated action leading to difficulties in implementing transnational action).
In order to tackle the existing problems, a common framework has been developed aiming at facilitating coordinated transnational action in the future ESF financing period 2014-2020. This common framework will be presented at the workshop.
The coordinated call “Transnational Mobility Measures for Disadvantaged Youth and Young Adults” was presented as a first specific example of coordinated action within ESF. The workshop focussed on particularly important aspects in implementing coordinated action such as a common timeframe and the facilitation of partner search.
Workshop A: topic and context - Susanne Strehle and Bettina Reuter, Germany [PDF, 664KB]
Workshop A: TLN timeline - Rosalba La Grotteria, Trento, Italy [PDF, 5KB]
Workshop A: Transnational partner search, Maciej Jamrozik, Poland [PDF, 472KB]
Workshop B: The content of the coordinated call on Transnational Mobility Measures
The workshop presented and discussed the key contents of the Coordinated Call for Transnational Mobility Measures as developed by TLN Mobility since its start in February 2013.
The coordinated call is at the core of the TLN Mobility’s agenda. It consists of a set of common parameters on central themes like "quality of transnational mobility programmes", "implementation structures" and "financial rules/eligibility of costs".
To collect concise feedback from participants and to answer open questions, the workshop focussed on these main content areas in smaller groups discussing with the respective experts of TLN Mobility.
Workshop B: topic and context - Sabina Schlinke, Germany [PDF, 484KB]
Workshop C: The implementation/launch of respective national and regional level calls

The workshop presented examples of how Member States and Regions have jointly implemented mobility initiatives in the ESF financing period 2007 - 2013.
In two case studies, the relevance of key standards such as participant preparation and working in partnership for the success of mobility initiatives were highlighted.
The workshop also identified possible support needs of Member States and Regions concerning the implementation of the coordinated call on Transnational Mobility Measures on their national/regional level in the ESF financing period 2014- 2020.
Workshop C: PACA Eurocircle (project operator) - Ralf Makrutzki, PACA, France [PDF, 989KB]
Workshop C: Case study partnership (Mission locales) - Heike Vuola, PACA, France [PDF, 316KB]
Workshop C: case study participant prepation - Guillermo Vergara, Galicia, Spain [PDF, 4MB]
Plenary Session (Day 2)
Workshop results - Susanne Strehle, Michael Alberg-Seberich, Stephanie Koenen, Germany [PDF, 341KB]
Conclusions and steps ahead - Wolfgang Husemann, Germany [PDF, 202KB]