Education Communities

The funding provides for various elements within the framework of so-called education communities ("Bildungskommunen"):

  • Establishment of a data-based community education management system and its subsequent expansion
  • Establishment of educational networks
  • Development of a holistic mission statement and a networked education strategy that is both digital and analogue, and the establishment of online community education portals.
  • Establishment of thematic areas of focus in the education network

 Possible thematic areas of focus include:

  • Cultural education,
  • democracy building/political education,
  • education for sustainable development,
  • integration through education and inclusion,
  • securing the supply of skilled labour/education during structural transformation

Profile of the programme

Target group
  • Municipalities
Implementation period

2022.01.18 - 2030.12.31

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding priority

3: Investment in general and vocational education and training and lifelong learning

Additional Information

web­sites of pro­gramme


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)