Programme for European learning mobility and innovation
The ESF Plus programme for European learning mobility and innovation ("Programm für europäische Lernmobilität und Innovation") encompasses the promotion of inclusive student mobility. A transfer of funds to Erasmus+ is planned.
The aim is to make studying abroad possible for students at higher education institutions in Germany who have previously had difficulty accessing or had no access to learning mobility due to their socio-economic background.
With ESF Plus funding, students with fewer opportunities (students working to support themselves during their studies and students that do not come from a family with a tradition of higher education) receive support for a stay abroad in the form of monthly grants of 730,790, or 850 euros within the framework of Erasmus+ mobility. The instalments consist of a basic amount dependent on the target country and a top-up amount of 250 euros.
Students facing organisational and financial hurdles who have a demonstrable significantly higher need for support for international mobility (participants with disabilities or chronic illnesses, parents going abroad with their child/children) are supported from ESF+ funds in line with their real costs.
Both measures will be made permanent over the course of the programme through a multi-tier funding approach. Higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ Programme pass on the specified funding to eligible students in line with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education.
Profile of the programme
Target group: Universities
Implementation period: 01.07.2022 - 31.12.2027
Responsible: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding is provided through the Erasmus+ work program.