Strengthening social services of non-statutory welfare through digitalization
With around 2.1 million full-time employees and an estimated 3 million volunteers, non-statutory welfare organizations in Germany provide a wide range of social services. Their services support target groups such as children and young people, families, single parents, people with disabilities, the elderly, refugees and other people in need of help. However, demographic change, the shortage of skilled workers and multiple and global crises are putting the social system under pressure. In view of these challenges, the digitalization of social services provided by non-statutory welfare organizations is a key element in ensuring that they can continue to offer high-quality, efficient and low-threshold services in the future.
This programme supports projects to strengthen the social services of non-statutory welfare organizations through digitalization. The aim is to enable non-statutory welfare organizations to increasingly and more effectively integrate digital solutions into their direct work with their clients. The objectives of the funding are the design and testing of digital solutions to support or provide social services for different target groups of non-profit welfare organizations in Germany. Thereby, the needs and abilities of, both, employees and local clients of the non-statutory welfare organizations must be given appropriate consideration.