Opportunities for parents II - getting families involved in education early on

The "Opportunities for parents II" (Elternchance II) programme seeks to give professionals working in the field of family education and in early learning, care and education facilities the tools to work together with parents during the early childhood education stage, and advise parents with regard to their children's learning and developmental trajectory, everyday educational opportunities and transition points in the education system. To this end, the skilled professionals can take part in a modular continuing professional development programme to become a parental adviser with recognised certification from the education provider.

Parental advisers acquire skills and knowledge in a host of areas, specifically regarding

  • early childhood education
  • bonding and development (including language development)
  • new approaches to working with parents
  • counselling methods and techniques
  • collaboration and educational partnerships with parents
  • gender-specific and intercultural aspects
  • specialised skills

The qualified professionals work in early learning, care and education facilities such as family education, parent and child centres, family centres and in or around child day-care facilities, and remain active in these areas after qualifying. As parental advisers, they assist families at points of transition in the education system, on everyday education matters and development issues. The advisers help increase equality in education and equality of opportunities for children, and contribute to the well-being of families by strengthening parents' parenting skills and their ability to cope with everyday problems.

Profile of the programme

Target group
  • Employees
Number of projects


Implementation period

2015.08.01 - 2021.12.31

  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Funding priority

C: Investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and life-long learning

Additional Information

web­site of pro­gramme


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

Referat 203

Glinkastrasse  24
10117 Berlin