TLN Mobility Competition 2019-2020

What is the main change in your life after taking part in the mobility programme?
14 videos were handed in from Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, the Spanisch Autonomous Community of Catalonia and Sweden in the context of the TLN Mobility project competition.The top 3 of them were put together in a film. The film and all the videos are now avalaible on Youtube.
In the current ESF funding period, nine EU Member States and regions are successfully implementing mobility programmes for disadvantaged young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs). These programs are coordinated by the European TLN Mobility learning network under the leadership of Germany.
In order to present the positive results from these mobility programmes the TLN Mobility launched a mobility project competition for all projects under the TLN Mobility scheme.
The mobility competition (#mytlnmobilityexperience) was directed at all projects in the mobility programmes that are in progress in the nine participating EU Member States and regions. Projects could apply with a best-practice example from their work. Participants were invited to tell their stories based on individually selected guiding questions in a short video and recount how they have benefited from the European idea.
The challenge of having to find their feet in a foreign country allows young people to rise above themselves and often triggers profound personal development processes. Young people return from a stay abroad more self-confident, purposeful and open. They have gained valuable experience and often have a clearer picture of what they want to do.