Win-Win - Through cooperation for integration

The objective of the "Win-Win" programme is to develope, test and transfer innovative approaches and measures to improve access and the integration to the labor market of particularly disadvantaged young men of working age from 18 to 35 years. The target group comprise young men with and without a migration background, as well as non-employed young men including male newly arrived EU citizens, members of minorities, and third-country nationals.

By forming new cooperations between municipalities, employment agencies (Federal Employment Agency, job centers), civil society (migrant) organizations, and as well as business and economic associations, including small and medium-sized enterprises or other migrant/social enterprises innovative approaches and measures for the social integration of young men, who cannot be reached or assisted by local employment agencies or job centers or who refuse or reject cooperation with these agencies, will be developed, tested, and transferred to other municipalities or different social contexts.

Profile of the programme

Target group
  • Migrants, people with a foreign background
  • Young people, young adults
  • Unemployed
  • Enterprises
  • Self-employed
  • Municipalities

Young men with and without a migration background, Non-employed young men Male newly arrived EU citizens, members of minorities (including marginalized communities such as the Roma) and third-country nationals.

Implementation period

2023.02.15 - 2028.12.31

  • Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Funding priority

4: Social innovative actions

Additional Information

Web­page of pro­gramme


Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales

Referat EF 2
53107 Bonn

Team Win-Win