Together for quality: Involving children in all-day care and education

Aim of the ESF Plus federal programme Together for Quality: Involving children in all-day care and education ("Gemeinsam für Qualität: Kinder beteiligen im Ganztag") is to provide impetus for the necessary development of all-day care and education for children of primary school age while ensuring the associated quality standards and guaranteeing educational and participation opportunities for all children.

The creation of participatory structures in the all-day primary school system as a joint offer of schools and the youth welfare system is a central concern of the programme. The main goal is to consolidate the fundamental right of adolescents of participation, to promote the establishment and maintenance of a democratic society and to support the development of the work in all-day schools regarding quality by changing the culture of learning and teaching. The central starting point in this process is the needs of the children. Accordingly, the focus is on promoting participatory structures for children over the course of the entire school day, i.e. fostering democratic interaction in school care and education.

The aim of the funding is to develop planning and action competence through further training and support for the creation of a high-quality all-day care while promoting participatory structures and democratic action. This is to be achieved through:

  • corresponding skill training for experts and teaching staff
  • the development and implementation of participatory services to promote democratic action by the qualified experts and teaching staff
  • the development or redevelopment of all-day school schemes that are directly related to the promotion of participation or the expansion of participatory structures
  • the (continued) development of a nationally applicable curriculum for qualifications to teach planning and action skills

It is expected that 150 all-day care and education primary schools will receive funding all across the country.

Profile of the programme

Target group
  • Municipalities

All-day primary schools, all-day care facilities for children of primary school age

Implementation period

2022.04.29 - 2024.12.31

  • Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
Funding priority

3: Investment in general and vocational education and training and lifelong learning

Additional Information

web­site of pro­gramme


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)

Referat 515

Matthias Ritter-Engel
Glinkastraße  24
10117 Berlin

  • Phone: 030 18555-2134



Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben